Kelvin Benjamin, Dri Archer pose in hilarious photo


There seems to be two classes of offensive weapons in the NFL these days, those weapons that are tall, lanky and pose as deep threats and others who are short, compact and speedy. Both types of weapons thrive in the NFL under the right systems but both serve very different purposes.

You might think that there’s no real need to complicate things and that a offensive skill position players should just catch the ball and think later. First off, stop living in the 1950s when ‘football was a man’s sport’ and get with the times.

This picture perfectly illustrates the two different classes of offensive weaponry in today’s NFL and why they both serve wildly different purposes.

As you can see on the left, New Carolina Panthers wide receiver Kelvin Bejamin is a very tall man while Pittsburgh Steelers rookie running back Dri Archer is not.

It’s a hilarious photo that illustrates just how different two players on the same side of the ball can be when both are focusing on the same goal — advancing the ball. It truly puts an emphasis on ‘skill position’ as it’s abundantly clear that what Kelvin Benjamin can do, Dri Archer cannot whereas Archer’s skills as a running back are wasted on a man of Benjamin’s massive height.