Andrew Shaw crashed a wedding with the Stanley Cup (Photo)


The Chicago Blackhawks are Stanley Cup champions, and Andrew Shaw is living up his time with the cup. 

Andrew Shaw had a great postseason run with the Chicago Blackhawks, with one of his most memorable moments being when he head butted a puck into the net against the Ducks which was nullified for being illegal. But that play basically summed up who Shaw is and what kind of player he is.

We’re seeing more of Shaw’s personality come out in his day with the Stanley Cup, as he used it to spend time with his family head to the lake and crash a wedding.

Yes, crash a wedding.

Rather than just spend a normal day with the Stanley Cup, Andrew Shaw happened to find a wedding and crashed it — much to the delight of the wedding party.

Shaw is a fan favorite in Chicago, and he is going to be around of a while — which is also going to keep fans happy. As long as he keeps bringing Stanley Cups to town, folks in Chicago are going to love him, especially if he proceeds to crash weddings with the cup in tow.

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