Pirates fan gives foul ball to young girl (Video)


A Pittsburgh Pirates fan gives a foul ball to a young girl.

Every person who ever attends a baseball game is hoping to get a foul ball hit their way so they can snag a souvenir to bring home. No matter how old you are, you can’t fight the excitement of a foul ball coming your way.

It even inspires some people to become the worst versions of their selves by being a little over aggressive.  For instance, this Philadelphia Phillies fan who nearly steamrolled an elderly lady to get a home run baseball.

Of course then there are those people who take the opportunity to shine and restore faith in humanity. For instance this Pittsburgh Pirates fan, who caught a foul ball without running over children to get it. He held it up triumphantly celebrating his grab.

He then began to look around and spotted a child several seats away and tossed the ball her direction. The cameras caught this all on television, capturing a priceless and special moment. The young fan is clearly elated to catch the ball and had been hoping for one all day, at least we’re assuming so since she was prepared with a glove.

What a great gesture.

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