Apex Legends

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Since its release in early 2019, Apex Legends has captivated casual and competitive gamers alike. In 2021 it eclipsed new heights, with the community passing the 100 million player mark, the release of several new playable legends, and the rollout of new, innovative, and here-to-stay game modes beyond the classic Battle Royale that made the game so popular. Perhaps most impressive is the lore of Apex and the storytelling ingrained in the personality of the characters. As much importance is placed on the story behind a legend’s in-game abilities as is in the functionality and mechanics of their gameplay. Apex is as little or as much as the player wants to make of it. One option as a playable character, Pathfinder, can simply be a useful, zip-lining character with pragmatic grappling abilities, or he can be a deeply emotional robot with a family to find. As is always true with Apex, the choice is yours.
- Josh Wilson
General Manager, Sportscasting

Why you should join this fandom

The Apex Legends community is worth joining because of its acceptance and embrace of new players. Similar to most video games, there is a learning curve for novices and experienced players alike to learn the specificities and intricacies of the game, but the community is welcoming and agreeable to new players.

How this fandom made the world a better place

By providing exposure for various people, groups, and backgrounds as a complement to the playing experience, Apex has done what many other brands want to do when it comes to diversity and inclusion. Found to be the most diverse video game, its playable characters represent a wide range of identities. A good playing experience has given the game a significant platform, and the developers have used that to tell meaningful stories and normalize the truth that winning teams are not made up of uniformity, but of contoured skillsets and backgrounds.