
Betty Cooper and Archie Andrews, otherwise known as Barchie, are an iconic pair whose origins begin in the Archie Comics but who have found new life in The CW show, Riverdale. Fans of the two have been waiting years to see them be given more than a few rather brief romantic beats in the show, and finally our time came in season 5. While their time together wasn't long (though showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa has hinted at more for the two to come), it brought an immense amount of joy to Barchie shippers. Betty and Archie's union steamed up television screens after the show's seven-year time jump in-universe sent Twitter fingers typing and left fans and media outlets alike wondering if Barchie would be the new It ship of Riverdale. Only time will tell if that'll be the case, but we can mark 2021 down as the year Barchie truly became a contender for that endgame crown.
- Sabrina Reed
Entertainment Staff Writer

Best fan moment of the year

The rise of Barchie in the Riverdale time jump ushered in a wave of excitement among those of us who ship Betty and Archie together. The amount of shower emojis and laughs about the two finally capitalizing on their chemistry and doing so in such a steamy way really brought the fandom together.

Why you should join this fandom

This may age poorly but, get on the winning team. LOL, I kid. Honestly, you should join this fandom because it's fun rooting for two best friends who see each other as the light in the darkness that surrounds them (that's canon, I kid you not).