Nancy Drew

2022 was the year The CW Spiral started our Nancy Drew journey. We joined the show's fan base after it was renewed for its fourth season. In a year that saw The CW cancel so many beloved shows, Nancy Drew and the Drewds brought us much needed joy. The Drew Crew truly have been a light in the uncertain future of the network and such a delight as they spread positivity, their love for the show, and welcome newcomers into their fandom with open arms.
- Sabrina Reed
Hidden Remote Associate Editor

Why you should join this fandom

The Nancy Drew fandom is quite honestly the warmest CW fandom on the Internet. They’re excited for every new member that joins their ranks and are down to discuss the show with anyone interested. They’re also joyous in their celebrations of the content they receive from the actors, writers, and team behind the show. You can’t help but walk away smiling and happy after seeing them work themselves into an excited tizzy over their series.

Why we needed this fandom this year

In all honesty, after the CW went on a cancellation spree in the early part of the year, escaping into Nancy Drew’s world was a godsend. Yes, the show has now joined that number, but for a few months at least, it provided relief for those who discovered it after the series was renewed for a season 4 and for longtime fans excited for the next leg of this beautiful crafted story. If you haven’t watched Nancy Drew yet, you should and come join us as we celebrate the happiness, love, community, and friendship this show has brought to its fans.