The Bear

One of the best new shows on television, starring Jeremy Allen White of Shameless (US) fame. The show was renewed for Season 2 roughly a month after premiering and provided both a compelling story and a uniquely honest look at the restaurant industry.
- Max Ogden
FanSided Contributor Sourcing Specialist

Why you should join this fandom

As someone who grew up in the restaurant business, I'm not sure I have seen a show that better encapsulates what it's like to work in a kitchen. The highs and lows, the wide range of emotions, and the frenetic pace to which nothing truly compares. It is a rush unlike any other and one that The Bear captured to perfection. Additionally, the acting is superb, the story will keep you on your toes, and the characters will have you falling in and out of love with them with each episode that passes. If you're a fan of good TV, and you can handle the wave of emotions that comes with every episode, you will enjoy The Bear. Simple as that.

Best fan moment of the year

If you're fan of Shameless, then the best fan moment of the year was finding out that we would get more of Jeremy Allen White, a.k.a. Lip Gallagher. For fans of The Bear, however, the best moment was being rewarded for our passionate fandom. In a testament to how great of a first season The Bear produced, as well as how much of a cult following it immediately acquired, the show was renewed for a second season less than a month after it premiered. The type of moment that makes a fan feel like they matter.