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Six years after its initial release, Fortnite is still going strong as my favorite multiplayer game on the market. It's constantly innovating with new map locations, weapons, and collabs with notable media franchises like Transformers, Spider-Man, and Star Wars. In late 2023, Epic Games made the brilliant decision to bring back the “OG“ Fortnite map that made many players originally fall in love with the game. It was so wildly popular that the first day it was available, queue times were 15 - 20 minutes for a single map. When it comes to casual multiplayer games that walk the line between skill and fun, Fortnite seems to achieve the perfect balance for players of all ages and skill levels. I still play Fortnite frequently with several other FanSiders and it's often the highlight of my week when we're able to pull off the elusive but enticing Victory Royale. Six years later, the only question surrounding Fortnite remains the same... “where we droppin'?“
- Troy Demers
Influencer Marketing Manager

Best fan moment of the year

The Fortnite OG Map re-release brought the most hype to Fortnite that I've seen in a while. The nostalgia factor helped remind many of what made Fortnite such an enticing game to begin with!

Why you should join this fandom

As someone who enjoys video games, but is not very good at them (just ask the coworkers who I play with!) Fortnite is the perfect mix of a skill-based game that is engaging and fun for all. There are so many different modes within the game that players of any skill level can find a mode that works for them. Plus, the satisfaction when your squad is the last one standing is second to none!