Jodie Comer

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Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely love Jodie Comer. She’s an incredible actress who’s extremely versatile and is constantly showing the world what she can do with her many talents. What I loved the most about Jodie Comer this year was that she was very open to giving back to fans. During her Broadway theatre run of the play Prima Facie, she tried her best to show her appreciation to fans by greeting them at the stage door, signing autographs, and taking pictures after almost every show. I nominated Jodie Comer for this year’s Fandoms of the Year because it’s about time more people recognize who this amazing actress is. I’m always down to provide more exposure to her.
- Crystal George
Netflix Life Staff Writer

Why you should join this fandom

You should join this fandom because Jodie Comer stays booked and busy, and she never disappoints. You’ll always have something new to watch starring her.

What emotion defined this fandom this year?

The emotion that defined this fandom this year is joy. The entire fandom was filled with joy when Jodie won two prestigious awards this year: the Tony Award for Best Performance by a Leading Actress in a Play and the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actress. We were also over the moon to find out that she has a new film titled The End We Start From scheduled to be released in U.S. theaters in December 2023.