Baby Reindeer, the British dark comedy that premiered on Netflix in April, was a complete phenomenon for the streamer this year. Following a budding comedian trying to find success in London, protagonist Donny — played by the show’s creator Richard Gadd — forms an unexpected relationship with a woman named Martha. As the two grow closer, Donny must face his past traumas while admitting hard truths about himself. The series received critical acclaim, including six Emmy Award wins and three Golden Globe nominations, all fully deserved.
- Natalie Zamora
FanSided VP, Entertainment Content
How this fandom is changing entertainment
Baby Reindeer is an unflinching look at sensitive topics like learning how to live after abuse, shining a light on traumas that, unfortunately, happen in real life. Tackling such topics in such a brutally honest way is not only engaging but also fights against the stigma around male sexual abuse. We need more stories like this — based on Gadd’s autobiographical one-man show — so people remember they’re not alone. Because of the show’s bravery, the fandom felt inspired to speak out about their own stories.
What we’ll remember about this fandom a decade from now
We’ll remember how much the Baby Reindeer fandom came together after its release to rally around it. Having not known Gadd, it might’ve seemed like the series came out of nowhere despite the comedian’s past success, and it completely took off overnight in a way no one expected. Netflix’s involvement meant it reached an incredibly large audience, but the fandom also helped it by word of mouth. The fact that this miniseries with very little promotion became Netflix’s 10th most-watched English-language TV series of all time soon after its release (though it's since been dethroned) speaks to the fans’ influence.