The ghost with the most, Beetlejuice, finally reentered our lives with the second installment of what can now be referred to as a beloved franchise. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice may not quite reach the heights of the original, but after decades of floundering in the CGI wasteland, Tim Burton returned to his roots with goopy practical effects, gorgeous set design and the imminently hilarious Michael Keaton as the titular demon. Winona Ryder reprises the lead role and Jenna Ortega checks in for her second (highly successful) Burton gig, meaning there's plenty to entice new and old fans alike. This film takes a far more conventional, “modern“ narrative approach, but the heart and humor is ever-present. Burton can meld the macabre and slapstick in truly singular fashion when he's cooking, and folks, he was cooking this year. We're all better off for it.
- Chris Kline
FanSided Staff Writer