This Apple TV+ miniseries created by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks completes a WWII trio from the two, which started back in 2001 with Band of Brothers and The Pacific (2010). Masters of the Air is a good old-fashioned war drama with cutting-edge visual effects and dazzling young actors (Austin Butler and Callum Turner), who play best friends and members of the 8th Air Force’s 100th Bomb Group, a close-knit brotherhood of B-17 fliers. While the story is based on real-life characters and history — the group earned the nickname “The Bloody 100th” for the amount of loss it suffered — it’s a combo of the immersive in-air action and relationship between Butler and Turner’s characters, Buck and Bucky, that keep you dialed in.
- Megan Melle
FanSided Senior Managing Editor