The brilliance and nostalgia of the X-Men animated series from the 90s set the bar high for a spinoff nearly three decades later. Somehow X-Men '97 delivered. This masterclass animated production offered tremendous character balancing and cliffhangers that had me on the edge of my seat. Season 1, Episode 5: Remember It was the single greatest TV episode I've ever seen — animated or otherwise. From Cyclops' daunting task as team leader to the selfless acts of Gambit and Magneto, season 1 of X-Men '97 delivered in every way possible. Phenomenally executed storylines tugged on my heartstrings and made me feel like I was 10 years old again and watching X-Men for the very first time. Speaking of which, it was nice to see Cyclops (a.k.a Scott Summers) done right. The leader of the X-Men wasn't an uptight side character, as portrayed on film in the FOX universe over the past two decades. Instead, X-Men '97 showcased every side of 'Slim' — from his impressive range of optic abilities in combat to his innate leadership skills and decision-making. Apart from one early episode centered around Jubilee that didn't advance the story and seemed misplaced, X-Men '97 was both intense and engaging — leaving fans on the edge of their seats with captivating cliffhangers. Whether you are new to the X-Men or have been an avid follower for decades, this show was everything we wanted. X-Men '97 knocked lofty expectations for their first season out of the park and proved to be one of the must-see shows of 2024.
- Tommy Jaggi
FanSided Editor