AFC Favored to Win Super Bowl 2025 (Conference Odds for Super Bowl 59)

The AFC is favored to win the Super Bowl in the opening odds at DraftKings Sportsbook.
Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen (17) talks with Patrick Mahomes.
Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen (17) talks with Patrick Mahomes. / Jay Biggerstaff-USA TODAY Sports

The San Francisco 49ers may be favored to win the Super Bowl in the 2024 season, but oddsmakers are giving the AFC the edge to have the Super Bowl LIX winner.

How is that possible?

Well, the Kansas City Chiefs, Buffalo Bills and Baltimore Ravens are the No. 2,3 and 4 choices to win the Super Bowl this season, and oddsmakers seem to believe in the depth of the conference more than the strength of the 49ers.

The next highest NFC teams to win the Super Bowl are the Dallas Cowboys and Detroit Lions, but their odds are comparable to the Cincinnati Bengals, who sit at +1500 to win the Super Bowl next season.

DraftKings Sportsbook has released a unique prop for which conference to win the Super Bowl, so let's break down the odds for that entering the offseason.

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Odds to win Super Bowl 59

AFC Favored to Win Super Bowl LIX

As you can see, DraftKings has the AFC at -125 to win the Super Bowl, an implied probability of 55.56 percent.

The Chiefs have won back-to-back Super Bowls, keeping the AFC on top in this prop after the Tampa Bay Buccanneers and Los Angeles Rams strung together back-to-back wins for the NFC.

Ultimately, the AFC may be the deeper conference, especially after the Cowboys and Philadelphia Eagles -- two of the NFC's top teams in the odds last season -- failed to win a playoff game.

While this prop is tough to bet on since it's truly a 50/50 shot when it comes down to the big game, it's worth noting how deep the AFC is if quarterbacks like Patrick Mahomes, Josh Allen, Lamar Jackson, Joe Burrow, Tua Tagovailoa, Aaron Rodgers, Justin Herbert, Trevor Lawrence and CJ Stroud stay healthy.

The 49ers may be favored to win it all, but that doesn't mean it's a guarantee they do, especially if with the Chiefs coming closer and closer to them in the latest odds.

Game odds refresh periodically and are subject to change.