Sunset Overdrive Brings A Weapon Test Drive


Insomniac Games is getting ready to release Sunset Overdrive on October 28, but first gamers are invited to take the zany weapons for a test drive.

Sunset Overdrive, Microsoft’s latest Xbox exclusive, is quickly approaching its October 28 release date. Prior to launch however, Insomniac Games wants to give gamers the opportunity to test drive its weapons. With so many off of the wall options, checking them out ahead of time should provide some fun.

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Thanks to Walter’s Workshop, an interactive shooting range, gamers are able to test out some of the crazy weapons that will be featured in Sunset Overdrive.

In a press release, Microsoft described the experience in saying, “choose a target or enemy, and watch the explosions ensue. Fans can also replay the action in super-slow-motion and view 360-degree panorama models of each of the weapons.”

In Walter’s Workshop, a few main weapons are being brought to life. With them being so off of the wall, Insomniac describes them best. Check them out below:

  • TNTeddy, a grenade launcher style weapon that fires Teddy bears strapped with dynamite.
  • Roman Candle, a handgun that shoots fireworks from a hacksaw.
  • Pyro Geyser, which spews 12-ft. flames into unsuspecting foes.
  • Hack N Slay, a set of giant spinning blades mounted to a patio table.

Checking each of them out, the level of hilarity ready to be unveiled to gamers in Sunset Overdrive is through the roof. A game that seems to have absolutely amazing art direction, also should provide lots of laughs and fun.

Insomniac Games is well known for its over the top style and delivering great games. With Xbox grabbing Sunset Overdrive as an exclusive, there’s not to nothing to suggest that won’t be the case again this time around.

After watching multiple episodes of Sunset Tv in anticipation for the game, fans have to be ready for the launch. Make sure to check back on October 27 for our full review of Sunset Overdrive.

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