Who won the GOP Debate last night?


The latest GOP Debate was held tonight in Wisconsin, but who ended the evening on top and who took a step back. 

We had to sit through another GOP debate last night, and now that our brains have ceased bleeding through our noses after what we had to sit through, it’s time to determine who won the debate and who took a step back.

Right out of the gate, it appears that the party frontrunners — Donald Trump and Ben Carson — did all they needed to do to remain in the lead. It wasn’t such a great night for Ted Cruz, Rand Paul or Jeb Bush who all stumbled at times and did nothing of significance to make the splash they needed to.

So who won the debate and what do you need to know if you missed it? Look no further than the…

GOP Debate Rundown:

1. It took Donald Trump all of three seconds to violate the rules of the debate. After it was laid out that only economic topics would be discussed, Trump mentioned the military.

2. John Kausch was swinging in the debate. He’s been playing the role of the everyman blue collar representative in the debates and he ended up making the most sense for most of the night.

3. Ben Carson made a funny about his completely made-up story about West Point. It was amusing because it confirmed that Carson is supposed to be at these debates and didn’t accidentally wander onto the stage like a crazy person.

4. At some point in the debate, the buzzer meant to cut the candidates off turned into a mild suggestion.

5. Marco Rubio continues to be confused about where he is all the time. He was badgered left and right and gave answers that were about as straw man as it gets. At one point he compared America’s economic situation to Jihadists beheading Christians in the Middle East — and it wasn’t the analogy you’re thinking.

6. He also called Vladimir Putin a gangster. The chaos of the night birthed that moment for us all.

7. If Rubio looked bad, this is how Ted Cruz’s night went:

8. The highlight of the night wasn’t a question or reaction from a candidate — it was moderator Maria Bartiromo who became instantly uncomfortable when a commercial break was missed.

9. Neil Cavuto said that this debate would be about economic issues and those only. An hour and a half into the debate, the focus shifted to Iraqi airspace and putting boots on the ground in Russia — or something. The yelling made it confusing for normal people to follow along.

10. Maybe this was a schtick by the GOP to usher in the Thanksgiving holiday where you argue with your in-laws about pretty much nothing. There was so many instances where people were cut off, the yelling grew louder that the night was basically a hodgepodge of red herrings and slippery slope arguments that were louder than the last.

So Who Won The Debate?

If we’re speaking technically, no one won this debate. It was a sh–show of an evening that turned into a lame shouting match in record time. If you had to pick a winner, it was a tie between Donald Trump and John Kasich.

Trump continues to be brash and brazen — saying the first thing that comes to his head or the thing he heard the crazy wing nut outside in the ‘Joe The Plumber’ hat say as he walked in the door. Kasich is probably the most sensible candidate in the GOP race, but that’s not saying much. He speaks the mind of the blue collar moderate Republican, but lost all his points when he gave a fist bump to Obama for putting a fleet in the South China Sea.

It’s impossible to pick a winner out of this bunch, but Kaisch took a leap forward — but the race might already be over and won by Trump.
