Don’t want to go outside but you still want to hatch Eggs in Pokemon GO?
It’s the middle of July, which is traditionally a warm period of the year in many parts of the world where Pokemon GO has been released. Seriously, the U.S. forecast map looks like it’s suffered a really nasty sunburn these days.
This is, of course, a problem. Pokemon GO effectively requires that you go outside to find new Pokemon and to hatch Pokemon Eggs, which only hatch if you walk a certain distance (2 km, 5 km, or 10 km).
However, some more enterprising fans have discovered a hack, which has since been reported on by places like CNET. It involves a certain piece of equipment: an old-fashioned turntable or, if you want to get really retro, a record player.
According to the CNET article, what you have to do is put your phone on the edge of the turntable without it falling off or hitting anything. Then, you crank it up to the fastest speed you have, which will convince your phone that it’s actually moving.
It’ll maybe take some time for your phone to recognize that that’s happening since location-finding doesn’t always work indoors, but there you go. Ditto with actually letting your phone spin long enough to reach any of the distances needed to hatch an Egg.
The same principle works with ceiling fans, but that seems more dangerous to your phone than a turntable.
Of course, this is pretty lazy, but it is hot outside. Those Eggs just don’t hatch themselves, you know?
Pokemon GO is currently available for download in the Apple App Store and on Google Play.
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