New Red Dead, BioShock in the works


In some news that will likely make a large group of fans excited, Take-Two studios is planning on releasing new installments of two of its most popular franchises.

During a presentation at an analyst conference earlier this week, the development studio’s head man Strauss Zelnick confirmed that the Red Dead and BioShock series are here to stay.

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“I pretty much know the ones that I can assure you are permanent. It’s obvious that GTA is a permanent franchise as long as we keep delivering this incredible quality; it seems quite obvious that Red Dead is a permanent franchise….”

Take-Two’s last Red Dead game, Red Dead Redemption, was a smash hit among fans, selling more than 13 million copies in its lifetime. The open-world gameplay as well as the well done western story made this one of the greatest games of the last generation.

In terms of when a new Red Dead title could be released, Zelnick refused to say. He did say that his company doesn’t like to release games that aren’t up to fan expectations, and the new game wouldn’t come out until the development team felt it was 100% ready for the public.

With BioShock, the future of that franchise has been up in air with the closing of Irrational Games. However, knowing just how popular the game is among fans, Zelnick is confident that the 2K Marin studio can put together great games.

“We haven’t given any color on how you should think about it yet except we do believe it’s beloved; we think it’s important [and] certainly something that we’re focused on; something 2K Marin will be responsible for shepherding going forward,” Zelnik said. “I don’t want to say much else except to agree with you. I think there’s a lot of upside in that franchise.”

Source: Gamespot
