Get a scholarship for playing League of Legends


If you play the popular MOBA League of Legends, then one college wants you to attend, and they will help pay for you to do so.

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Robert Morris University out of Chicago is now recruiting League of Legends players to attend the school to be part of its first varsity eSports team. Riot Games, the company behind League of Legends, states that RMU is the first university to field a competitive eSports team at the varsity level.

The scholarship will help players with “up to 50 percent tuition and 50 percent room and board.”

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RMU is recruiting players to join the Collegiate Star Leage (CSL) beginning this September. Over 100 schools are a part of the CSL, including Harvard and Arizona State. RMU is the only one of the schools offering scholarships to attend the university and join the team.

What do you think of a college offering scholarships for playing games? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

Mike’s Musings: I’ve now seen it all. I’m all for the rise of eSports in popularity, but to offer scholarships to people who play the games is just absurd. In my opinion, scholarships shouldn’t be offered for video game playing. And I know what many will say, “It’s no different than going to school to play a sport.”

Quite frankly, I don’t want to hear that argument because I don’t believe in scholarships being offered to athletes either, unless they are stellar students. They’re called SCHOLARships for a reason, but that’s a topic for another day. I may be in the minority, but nevertheless, this news really sits with me the wrong way, especially if those who play the games professionally are taking advantage of the scholarship offers. 
