NBA Store discontinues Andrew Wiggins Cavaliers jersey


NBA fans are a superstitious bunch who read into every little thing as though it bares absolute significance to the basketball world. That’s why, when something like Andrew Wiggins’ Cleveland Cavaliers jersey gets discontinued at the NBA Store, the world turns upside-down.

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That’s exactly what has happened though as the NBA Store has discontinued Wiggins’ Cavaliers jersey — possibly.

andrew-wiggins /

When you go to search for an Andrew Wiggins jersey on the NBA Store, you get a message letting you know that the item has been discontinued, which is likely an error message but it’s something that will make superstitious Cavaliers fans even more crazy about a Kevin Love trade.

Wiggins is the chief piece in the Love trade talks, and while his jersey being discontinued in the NBA Store is likely just a random coincidence, it’s not something that NBA fans are going to take lightly and will very much take at face value. It probably all means nothing in the end and the jersey will be back and up to purchase by the end of the day but it is a bit weird to see it discontinued in the middle of trade talks between the Timberwolves and Cavaliers.

[H/T: The Big Lead]

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