Supernatural star Misha Collins completes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (Video)


Watch as Supernatural star Misha Collins completes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

If you are one of the millions of people who watch the hit CW Original Series Supernatural, then you have undoubtedly heard the name Misha Collins before.

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In the series, which is about to enter its tenth season on October 7th, he plays an angel, or should we say fallen angel, by the name of Castiel.

While it is Sam and Dean Winchester who do a good portion of the investigating, there is no way they would accomplish as much without the help of their friend Cas.

As you probably know, his character in Superatural is incredibly serious and doesn’t seem to get a lot of the jokes told in the series; however, if you are one of the 1.59 million people who follow him on Twitter, you know a whole other side to him.

In fact, this man is straight up hilarious.

Well, as some of you may be aware, Collins was called out by his pal John Barrowman, who currently plays the role of Malcolm Merlyn on the CW series Arrow. Now, he has decided to accept the challenge and pay I forward by nominating three others for the task.

Collins has officially nominated his Supernatural co-stars Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, who play Sam and Dean Winchester in the series, as well as Hillary Rodham Clinton.

As you can imagine, Collins was never going to simply pour a bucket of cold water over his head. No, he took it much further than that. You simply must see this for yourself.

While we wait to see if Jared and Jensen step up to the plate as well, here is a little bit of information about the debilitating disease.

For those of you who do now know what ALS truly is, it is a debilitating disease more commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. The actual name for the disease is Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and is “a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord.”

The motor neurons in the body eventually begin to die off which leads to a complete loss of muscle control and eventually death. It is a horrible disease and not something that you would ever want to watch a friend or family member go through.

That is why this challenge is so important, because it brings awareness to a sometimes forgotten disease and has helped incredibly in raising money to continue researching a cure for the crippling disease.

If you would like to know more about ALS or how you can get involved yourself, you can visit the official site of the ALS Association.
