Emma Stone Doesn’t Need to Feel Validated By Social Media


Amazing Spider-Man actress Emma Stone is not on social media and feels no desire to be validated by people she doesn’t know.

In today’s society it is very difficult to find someone who isn’t on social media in some way, shape, or form. There are so many sites out there for you to connect with your friends far and wide that it is virtually impossible to stay away; that is…unless you are Birdman actress Emma Stone.

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Emma Stone recently took part in a five-part series on Epix titled Hollywood Sessions; an effort partnered by the Los Angeles Times. During the interview, which also included a number of other fantastic actresses like Tilda Swinton, Laura Dern, and Patricia Arquette, Stone was asked about her feelings on social media.

The thing is…she doesn’t have any social media. Yes ladies and gentlemen…you just found the one person in the world who has no, I repeat no, social media accounts.

We assume that the next question you are going to ask is why? The good news is, she is pretty quick to explain herself. While we don’t exactly agree with her standpoint, we can certainly see where she is coming from.

"“It’s that need to be liked, that need to be seen, that need to be validated in a way through no one that you know.” Stone says. “A lot of people ask the question about fame or what it feels like to have it, and it seems like everybody knows what that feels like. It seems like everyone’s cultivating their lives on Instagram or on different forms of social media and what picture looks best of their day.”"

She goes on to describe the use of social media to a modern day “keeping up with the Joneses.” (You thought we were going to say Keeping Up with the Kardashians, didn’t you?)

"“It’s this very modern ‘keeping up with the Joneses. It’s almost impossible to find someone that’s not in some way on the internet.”"

There is a light-hearted moment in the segment when she admits to not remembering the initial question, claiming that she forgets where she is going when she talk about social media.

While we understand to some degree where she is coming from; especially when it comes to the fact of cameras in cell phones and the complete lack of privacy in the world today, there is some degree of this that comes with her chosen profession.

When you choose to spend your life in front of the camera, there are always going to be people who want a piece of you. Whether that piece is for profit like the paparazzi or just a keepsake memory of someone who has meant something to you along your path, there will always be someone out there who wants a small piece of your life force.

We don’t necessarily want to use the “deal with it,” because we wouldn’t want reporters outside of our homes at 5:00 a.m. waiting for the off chance that we are going to walk out of the house in our underwear to check the mail or get the newspaper; however, there is a small portion of this that comes with being famous.

On the flip side, we applaud her for sticking to her convictions and not giving in to what other people feel is the norm. If Emma Stone believes that social media is the root of all evil, then we will just have to get our updates from somewhere else.

What are your thoughts on social media? How many social media sites do you belong to? Do you agree with Emma’s viewpoints when it comes to the matter? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

[H/T: US Weekly]

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