This lucky shot in the Battlefield Hardline beta is simply incomprehensible


 This is easily the most insane Battlefield Hardline sniper shot you will ever see.

The Battlefield Hardline beta has taken over PCs and consoles ahead of the game’s official launch, and because of that, gamers are experiencing lag, full servers, and some good times playing cops and robbers. The highlights are plenty, and few games in the shooter genre lend themselves to insane moments more than the Battlefield series. Hardline is no different.

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The greatest feature in this generation of gaming is the gameplay recording function. No longer will you and your little buddies sit around the campfire recalling tall tales of battle. Tales of valor that only you, or maybe a single friend witnessed if you were lucky. Now, all you have to do is click “share” or say, “Xbox, record that!” and you’re good to go. It’s wonderful.

Take YouTuber JMGoodman89‘s insane highlight that we’re about to show you below. I simply cant comprehend what he was looking at, what he was even shooting at, and how he pulled off this snipe of a helicopter pilot in the midst of a dust storm, but maybe you can. Check it out at the 30 second mark:

Can someone please tell me what we just saw there beyond a man pointing his gun in the dust, firing and then somehow landed a headshot on a helicopter pilot that he couldn’t even see? My mind is blown. Not as blown as the driver of that helicopter or even JMGoodman89, but blown nonetheless.

Enjoy the Hardline beta until February 9th with five million of your friends ahead of its March 17th launch.

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