Nicki Minaj is at Billboard Music Awards in ridiculous outfit
Nicki Minaj showed off some bright colors in her outfit during the 2015 Billboard Music Awards.
Nicki Minaj showed up to the 2015 Billboard Music Awards in one of the most ridiculous get ups we have ever seen her in, and that is saying something. She is known for her ridiculous fashion statements, but this one might top them all. A combination of bright colors, sun glasses from the future, and what looks like 10 inch heels form Nicki Minaj’s latest outfit.
The caption from Complex Sports twitter perfectly sums up the outfit. Is this James Harden or Nicki Minaj? Nicki may have topped any outfit she has even worn with this outrageous outfit though. And she has had some pretty strange get ups in the past, here are just a few.
My favorite part of the outfit is the lens covering her eyes. I think it looks less like James Harden and more so Ricky Williams. The running back for the Miami Dolphins always wore a brightly colored visor to hide his eyes from the opponents.
During award shows like the Bilboard Music Awards, it’s important for pop star’s images to come out with flash. Nicki Minaj has been doing that beautifully ever since she emerged on the rap scene in the early 2010s. This dress may get her a few crazy looks, but it only is because she isn’t afraid to be bold and draw attention her way.
Do you really think she would be the most popular female rapper in the game if she was afraid to stand out from the norm? Probably not. This dress and all her other crazy looks speak volumes to Nicki’s character even if you can only look at the colors involved in the dress for a couple seconds.