Knuckle draggers don’t approve of Caitlyn Jenner ESPYs tribute


The courage of Caitlyn Jenner was honored by the ESPYs on Wednesday night, but the paste eating community of the world was not ready for it. 

In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past year, Olympian Bruce Jenner reveled himself to be a woman named Caitlyn Jenner — and the world has welcomed her with open arms.

Well, not the whole world. Some people can’t handle change and can’t handle accepting people for who they are — and those paste eaters were out in full force to voice their disgust over Caitlyn Jenner being honored at the ESPYs.

It appears that despite their claims to be open 24 hours, some Walmarts do close early. When the Kardashian’s construct sentences that make more sense than you, it might be time to retire your use of technology.

The mouth breathers figured out how to use technology on Wednesday night when the ESPYs honored Caitlyn Jenner with the Arthur Ashe Courage award. They were exactly what you’d expect out of intellectually sluggish bigots.

Buckle up, America. These people exit:

Aside from the knuckle draggers who are unabashed about their transphobia, there is an unsettling amount of people who are closeted transphobic homophobes. These are the type of people who say they have no problem with Caitlyn Jenner — expect they do.

This select group of paste eating dopes are some of the most dangerous types of bigoted people out there. They’re the ‘friendly’ bigot; the person who doesn’t come right out and say they hate something, but mask it with what they think is an adequate disguise for their disgust.

Someone hide American Pharaoh — all the paste in the world is gone and these people are bugging out for more.

It takes a special type of lowlife to lash out during a powerful moment like what we saw with Caitlyn Jenner on Wednesday night. We learned on Wednesday that you don’t have to be afraid of who you are, thanks to Caitlyn Jenner. We also learned that you don’t have to be clinically deaf to not hear something that is as clear as day.

You can complain on Twitter all you want, but the world has changed and we just don’t have time to wait for the knuckle draggers to catch up before we leave them all behind.

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