Karl Ravech wants Draft Kings to get off his lawn (Video)


ESPN’s Karl Ravech is a huge baseball fan — but try to get him to play daily fantasy and it’s like milking a bull.

Daily fantasy leagues are the way of the future when it comes to fantasy sports, and baseball is flourishing in this thanks to the fact that there’s games on every day. But not everyone is a fan of products like Draft Kings — even people who work for companies now associated with said fantasy product.

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While introducing his fantasy lineup for the night, Karl Ravech trolled the hell out of Draft Kings and daily fantasy users by getting grouchy about the whole idea of fantasy.

Ravech might want to be careful, as Draft Kings is now a part of ESPN and millions of people play it every day. He has a point though in that the idea of daily fantasy and starting someone no one has heard of or is rooting for is a really stupid way to bet your money or watch baseball.

But one thing Ravech is overlooking here is how insane baseball mouth breathers get about stats and ‘the little guy’ when it comes to every day games. Baseball hardcores will foam at the mouth over some AAA callup who has a crazy WARP night and the fact that his on base percentage divided by the number of hot dogs eaten by the fat kid in the first row equals the amount of RBI that Nap Lajoie had on the third Tuesday of his fifth season.

There’s also the fact that Ravech is basically trolling the idea of fantasy sports in general, as they take away the fandom aspect and make you root for the player over the team regardless of affiliation. Then again, fantasy sports aren’t going anywhere and daily fantasy is the way of the future — so this won’t be the last time we hear Ravech go on a rant like this.

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