Brett Favre congratulates Peyton Manning while in a tree stand (Video)

Credit: Denver Broncos (Facebook)
Credit: Denver Broncos (Facebook) /

Brett Favre took a break from hunting to congratulate Peyton Manning on breaking his record

Despite being benched in the Denver Broncos loss to the Kansas City Chiefs, Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning broke Brett Favre’s record for the most career regular season passing yards all-time. Manning eclipsed the Green Bay Packers great’s mark of 71,838 yards in the first half, needing only three yards to break the record coming into the game.

Ever the strange personality, Favre took to social media to congratulate Manning on breaking the record through a video message. Because we’re talking about Brett Favre here, he just happened to be on a hunting trip and up in a tree stand when he sent Manning his congratulations (message originally posted on the Denver Broncos Facebook):

There’s so much to love about Favre in this video. For one, he can’t scare whatever he’s hunting away, so he whispers his entire message to Manning. Second, Favre is decked out in full camouflage with a bow positioned right behind him. In terms of what he actually says, it’s also great that he compliments Manning, but then challenges him to go break all of his records. Even with such a strange backdrop, it’s an awesome moment of one all-time great speaking to another all-time great.

H/T to Complex