Euro 2016: Super Victor mascot has same name as sex toy

LENS, FRANCE - JUNE 09: UEFA Euro 2016 toy mascot, Super Victor and an adidas match ball at the Stade Bollaert-Delelis on June 9, 2016 in Lens, France. (Photo by Christopher Lee - UEFA/UEFA via Getty Images)
LENS, FRANCE - JUNE 09: UEFA Euro 2016 toy mascot, Super Victor and an adidas match ball at the Stade Bollaert-Delelis on June 9, 2016 in Lens, France. (Photo by Christopher Lee - UEFA/UEFA via Getty Images) /

This seems like something one short online search could have avoided.

What’s in a name? Usually nothing, especially with the innocent enough Euro 2016 mascot name, Super Victor.

Except …

The Guardian says that the upcoming tournament’s mascot is also the same name used by a sex toy, and that it’s apparently popular enough that an Amazon search will yield results for both the mascot and the, um, marital aid.

(You’ll excuse me if I don’t use my company laptop to verify that.)

Super Victor was chosen as the mascot’s name via public vote. It’s probably not the case that enough of the voters knew about the sex toy too, but it would be hilarious if that was actually the case.

Also funny, UEFA’s response when this  situation was pointed out:

"All we can say is that they [the sex aids] are not produced by UEFA."

Yeah, I don’t think anyone really was expecting that. The Guardian piece also says that the tournament organizers believe that sales of Super Victor merchandise will be brisk, but one assumes that’s only if people can determine the correct Super Victor to order.

And while we never officially endorse bootleg products of any kind, surely someone, somewhere is planning on a t-shirt or something featuring both versions of Super Victor together. It needs to happen, if only to prove why you should always have an intern Google names for you before you finalize them.

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(h/t to SI’s Extra Mustard)

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