Sports Illustrated launches SI Play app


Sports Illustrated is here to make your daily personal sports life easier with the launch of the SI Play app

We live in a world where we can always be up to date with the latest happenings in the nationals sports landscape. For as convenient as that is, though, we all have young ones near and dear to us that take part in sports that we wish we could keep up with like that as well.

Well, now you can.

Sports Illustrated is helping folks in that regard with the launch of the SI Play mobile app. With this new app, you can keep up to date with your local sporting events and there are so many features that make the experience that much more enjoyable, such as coaches having access to amazing features, player cards and scoring updates.

For the most part, this app makes sporting events that hold a special place in your heart that aren’t part of the professional realm feel as if it’s the Super Bowl.

More information can be found in the video below.

The relationship between technology and sports continues to evolve, but this may be the most significant development yet. A lot of us live hectic lives these days and it’s hard to keep up sometimes, especially with the sporting events of the young loved ones.

Now, with the launch of the Sports Illustrated SI Play mobile app, life just got a little bit easier.