Stephen Colbert brings back The Word to ether Donald Trump (Video)


Stephen Colbert revived his character on The Late Show to bring down Donald Trump.

Everyone is talking about Khizr Khan, the father of a deceased Muslim soldier who spoke out against Donald Trump at the Democratic National Convention. Trump’s response to Khan garnered a lot of controversy since the first thing he focused on was the fact that his wife remained silent, and said that he “has made a lot of sacrifices” while describing his success up until this point.

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John Oliver was the first late night pundit to take down Trump over his comments about it on Last Week Tonight, but Stephen Colbert decided to join the party the next day. Even though he took over The Late Show with the intention of ditching his right-wing character, this election has prompted him to bring it back, if only to rescue his ratings. When dishing out about Khizr Khan, he brought back his popular segment “The Word.”

Colbert started out by saying that Hillary Clinton “cozying up to Vladimir Putin” wasn’t even the most controversial thing Trump said this weekend, serving to highlight the eccentric nature of his Presidential campaign. Then, when he got into the Khizr Khan incident, he said “Trump knows a good husband allows his wife to say something” before the screen flashed the message “that Michelle Obama already said.”

Since his show is on CBS, he had to spend the majority of his segment dodging censors. “What the F” meant what the family, “D-bag” meant dad-bag, and when he called Trump a “P.O.S.”, he said it stood for part of society.

Colbert went on to say that the strategy behind Trump’s campaign is that, whenever he says something bad, he covers it up by saying something even worse. He proved it by bringing up all of the outlandish statements he has made in the past that everyone has seemed to move on from covering. However, if Trump wants everyone to forget about what he said to Khizr Khan, he has to say something “really outrageous” given that Khan has become a superstar.

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Incidentally, the last time Stephen Colbert brought back his character on The Late Show was in the midst of the Republican National Convention, when he used “The Word” to describe Trumpiness. So even though many people are terrified at the thought of Trump becoming President, what remains true about him is that he brings out the best in pundits.

[H/T: Last Night On]

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