WWE Backlash 2016 results: Dean Ambrose vs AJ Styles full video highlights

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A look at Sunday’s WWE Backlash 2016 results for the Dean Ambrose vs AJ Styles WWE World Heavyweight Championship match.

The main event match for Sunday night’s WWE Backlash 2016 pay-per-view featured AJ Styles against Dean Ambrose. The two competitors battled over Ambrose’s WWE World Heavyweight Championship, a title exclusive to Smackdown since the WWE Draft. Styles was attempting to win the title for his first reign ever.

The crowd inside the Richmond Coliseum in Virginia seemed split over the main event competitors. A dueling “Ambrose” and “AJ Styles” chant erupted early in the match as they fought back and forth.

The champion brought his “A game” early on. In one spot, he hit a big backdrop on the challenger to take control of the match.

Despite some impressive early offense from the champion, Styles soon took control. He targeted Ambrose’s neck with several moves and holds. Every time Ambrose had some offense, Styles would cut off his momentum.

Later, the two superstars grappled up on the top rope. The end result was a move that sent both men crashing to the mat.

As the match progressed, Styles was able to target Ambrose’s calf area. That would help him lock in his trademark Calf Crusher submission a bit later on. Ambrose managed to escape the move despite some damage being done.

As things advanced, Styles would hit a 450 springboard splash for a near fall. Ambrose also hit several big spots. He ran across the ring for a huge dropkick to send Styles to the floor. Later, on the outside, he tossed Styles over the commentators’ table and into the crowd area for more punishment.

Back in the ring, Styles hit a big Pele kick and Ambrose bounced off the ropes for his trademark clothesline. It looked like the champion had the challenger where he wanted him.

Ambrose set up for a Dirty Deeds. However, Styles shoved him away. The referee was accidentally bumped and knocked down. With the ref disoriented, Styles was able to hit a low blow on Ambrose. He followed with the Styles Clash for the pinfall win. AJ Styles is the brand new WWE World Heavyweight Champion!

Smackdown would go off the air with Styles’ music playing on and the new champion all smiles.

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It wasn’t the cleanest of wins, but certainly gives a new direction for Smackdown and the WWE World Heavyweight title picture. Ambrose will get a rematch at some point, but Styles certainly makes an intriguing heel champion!