The top 25 best college towns in America

ATHENS, GA - 2011: General view of the Chapel on the campus of the University of Georgia Bulldogs circa 2011 in Athens, Georgia. (Photo by Georgia/Collegiate Images)
ATHENS, GA - 2011: General view of the Chapel on the campus of the University of Georgia Bulldogs circa 2011 in Athens, Georgia. (Photo by Georgia/Collegiate Images) /
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15. Blacksburg, VA

Like Jacob, the student below, says, there isn’t anyone in Blacksburg that isn’t invested in Virginia Tech and the Hokies.

Almost Blacksburg’s entire population is comprised of students, and they’re happy, too. According to the Princeton Review, Virginia Tech ranked first for “Their Students Love These Colleges” and “Quality of Life.”

I don’t really know what a Hokie even is, but at least it makes students smile.

They said it:

Jacob, Computer Science Major:

"The atmosphere, everyone loves the Hokies and is super friendly. There isn’t anyone in Blacksburg that isn’t invested in the Hokies. Blacksburg exists solely because of Virginia Tech, and everyone feels that Blacksburg and Virginia Tech is home. We are the fittest campus and have the best food in the nation. The outdoors is where the Hokies live, and the hikes around Blacksburg are always filled with students on the weekends."