Election Day 2016 results: Updated map


The Presidential Election is today, which means it’s time to pay attention to the electoral college map and who is winning which state.

After months of hearing political attacks and suffering through those awful debates, it is time to pick who will be the next president. It’s either going to be Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, and tonight is when we discover who will take over for President Obama.

Whoever wins has pretty massive shoes to fill, as Obama was without a doubt on6e of the best presidents we’ve ever had in6 the history of America. Already the bar has been set pretty low between Trump and Hillary but that doesn’t mean you can skip the voting process.

With the election happening, it’s a reminder that the electoral college is still a thing, and it means you have to be glued to the map throughout the night. Polls close at 8pm in every time zone, which means the East Coast ballots will be cast and tallied first and the wave will move on from there.

Here’s a look at the updated election map, highlighted in red with the states that Donald Trump won and blue for states that chose Hillary Clinton.

Note: This map will be updated live with results as they happen. Check back all night for the latest election results. 

If you’re wondering how the electoral college works, it’s actually pretty simple. Each state is given a value that is then given to the candidate who wins the popular vote in that state. That’s where the overall popular vote stops mattering as it becomes about who wins the most electoral votes — not who wins the most votes or the highest number of states.

Stay tuned to FanSided.com all Election Day for the latest results from this presidential race.
