WWE Survivor Series 2016: 5 things we need to see

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2. Tension builds between Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho

We all know this is coming at some point. Wrestling fans all over the world knew it when Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho first teamed up. And while I’ll admit that I can’t get enough of these two when they’re on screen together, it’s time for JeriKO to really start the process of their inevitable split.

Chris Jericho is insanely over right now. He might be more over now than he ever was in his prime as the first undisputed champion and his epic feuds with Shawn Michaels. His mic work has always been great and that’s certainly money right now. Just listening to the audience waiting for him to say “you just made the list” is worth watching on Monday nights on its own. But the surprising part of all of this is how great he’s been in the ring at the age of 46. Chris Jericho has had great matches with just about everyone he’s ever been in the ring with and it would be absolutely outstanding to see him go one-on-one with Kevin Owens for the WWE Universal Championship.

Now, there’s been rumors that a Kevin Owens vs Roman Reigns feud is on the horizo — but I just don’t think that’s the way to go. Reigns is just starting to get some fans back and putting him against a guy like Owens, who the crowd boos but really loves, would be a big mistake on Reigns’ road to redemption after his suspension.

So who does Owens feud with now that his program with Seth Rollins seems to be over? The answer is quite obvious and they need to start planting more seeds for Jericho vs Owens at Survivor Series. Owens is on a quest this Sunday to prove that he’s a better champion than AJ Styles and Jericho somehow costing him this chance is an easy way to get the ball rolling. We got a little tease when Owens pinned Jericho on RAW recently but the big stage of Survivor Series could really take this to the next level, which opens the door for the number one thing that needs to happen on Sunday.