WWE: 10 best matches of 2016

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5. Fatal 4-Way Intercontinental Championship Match – WWE Extreme Rules

This might be the most overlooked match on this list but I absolutely love this one. The second match from WWE Extreme Rules to appear here, this Fatal 4-Way match for the Intercontinental Championship between The Miz, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn and Cesaro was fantastic and cracks the top five.

I don’t care what anyone says. The Miz is good at his job. No, The Miz is great at his job. Now, he’s never going to be confused with Curt Hennig or Bret Hart but he knows how to get under the skin of a crowd. And anytime you can get any kind of reaction from the crowd, especially a hostile one like he gets each and every week, then you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing. He’s the male version of Vickie Guerrero and he makes it work. The return of Maryse has only made him better, and following a long series of events that saw these four men work with one another in singles and tag matches, they finally all squared off against one another in this great match.

The match started off hot with Zayn almost immediately taking out Owens with a big kick and things just went from there. Zayn and Cesaro had an underrated feud in NXT and were able to bring some of that magic to the big stage. The chemistry with Owens and Zayn (more on that next) is always going to be there and there were some really original multi-man spots throughout.

Every single one of these competitors put in an amazing effort and a great story was told. After Cesaro was knocked out due to a Helluva Kick from Zayn, Owens pulled his former best friend out of the ring to brawl, which allowed The Miz to perfectly slide in and steal the victory. There are just too many great spots in this one to cover them all so I highly encourage you to go back and check this one out again.