Ranking all 25 WrestleMania matches of The Undertaker

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23. The Undertaker vs. King Kong Bundy – WrestleMania XI

1995 was a rough time in WWE, as evidenced by the fact that Bam Bam Bigelow and Lawrence Taylor actually went on last at WrestleMania XI, and it was a rough WrestleMania for The Undertaker as well. He had been feuding with Ted Dibiase’s Million Dollar Corporation for a while, battling Irwin R. Schyster at the Royal Rumble that year. During the bout, King Kong Bundy, another member of the stable, had interfered and that allowed them to steal The Undertaker’s urn. Oh, you done messed up now. When would people learn not to steal that thing? In essence, this was just another big guy to throw at The Undertaker during an off year and that’s pretty much it.

The Undertaker controlled the pace early on, hitting what would become his “Old School” routine from the top and a few clotheslines before Bundy knocked him from the ring with a lariat of his own. But ‘Taker did the thing where he lands on his feet and then just snatched the urn from The Million Dollar Man, giving it to Paul Bearer. But then Kama hit the ringside area and took it right back after kicking Bearer and Bundy got the upper hand. He hit a bodyslam and a big knee for a two count and then went on to hit his signature splash in the corner but The Undertaker sat right up (that’s kind of his version of Hulking Up, don’t you think?), hit a bodyslam of his own and followed it up with a leaping clothesline to pick up the victory. Bundy didn’t really sell the finish at all as he kicked out right after the three count and then just walked out of the ring on his own.

The whole match went just over six-and-a-half minutes and really did nothing for anyone involved. This was The Undertaker’s fourth win at WrestleMania. 4-0.