Ranking all 25 WrestleMania matches of The Undertaker

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22. The Undertaker vs. Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka – WrestleMania VII

Only a few months before this match, at Survivor Series 1990, the WWE Universe was introduced to The Undertaker, who debuted as part of Ted Dibiase’s Million Dollar Team. He was originally managed by Brother Love, which seems hilarious looking back on it now, but soon made the switch to Paul Bearer and began running through the list of jobbers in WWE like one did back then. He was being built as this unstoppable force and that eventually led him into a quick program with WWE legend, Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka and a match between the two was made at WrestleMania VII in Los Angeles. Basically this was just a way to get him onto the card and get him some more exposure against one of the company’s most popular superstars of the 1980s.

As for the actual match, this was essentially a glorified squash. Despite being the heel in the match, The Deadman actually got a few pops during his entrance, which isn’t something that happened a lot back then but the character was so new and cool that people just gravitated toward it. He got a few strikes in early and then hit his running clothesline, which the crowd really liked as there weren’t many big guys back then that could move as well as The Phenom. He was only 26 at the time and was extremely athletic, something that he continued to be over the years.

After knocking Snuka to the floor for a moment, he brought him back in the ring with a suplex before Superfly finally tried to get some offense in with his signature headbutts. But they had no real effect and Snuka would soon find himself back on the floor after a failed crossbody. He tried a springboard coming back in but that was turned into a Tombstone and the match was over in less than five minutes. 1-0.