Ranking all 25 WrestleMania matches of The Undertaker

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19. The Undertaker vs. Big Show & A-Train – WrestleMania XIX

This was still during The Undertaker’s biker gimmick and he actually came down to the ring during a live performance of “Rollin'” from WWE’s favorite band, Limp Bizkit. No, seriously, that’s what they called them and that actually happened. Don’t worry, you’re not the only one who’s tried to forget that.

Speaking of something you’ve been trying to forget, how about this 2-on-1 handicap match with The Undertaker battling Big Show and A-Train, who you may know better as Albert or Tensai or the head trainer down in NXT. Just pick one. This was actually supposed to be a tag match with Nathan Jones as The Undertaker’s partner but he had been taken out prior to the show on the lead-in episode of Sunday Night Heat. Remember when that was a thing?

In any event, The Undertaker took control early with a quick chokeslam on A-Train but Big Show broke up the count and ‘Taker took it to him as well. But the numbers game proved a bit too much in the opening moments as Show and Albert got the advantage and proceeded to throw everything they had at the American Badass. The air got sucked out of Safeco Field as both men applied an abdominal stretch but ‘Taker reversed that into one of his own. Not the greatest thing in the world. ‘Taker went on the offensive but a knee from Big Show slowed him down a bit. He fought and fought until Nathan Jones came down to even the score, hitting a bick kick on Show in the aisle and followed it up with another on A-Train after ‘Taker threw the big man to his “partner.”

Back on the inside, The Undertaker locked things up with a Tombstone on A-Train and that was that after about 10 minutes. 11-0.