5 independent wrestling stars WWE NXT needs to sign

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1) Flash Morgan Webster

With so many talented men and women currently under the WWE radar coming from the British Isles, Flash Morgan Webster may be someone that is flying under the radar of many fans, but he could be one of the next big prospects to come from these shores.

Webster comes from a small town in Wales, but has a massive future in professional wrestling. A man who is often described as a high flyer, but who has a great grasp of the basics as well, Webster has recently come back from career-threatening injury to slot back in as an important cog in the Brit Wrestling machine.

The injury occurred during a qualifying match, against Zack Sabre Jr. in the WWE Cruiserweight Classic tournament. Managing to finish the match, despite suffering torn ankle ligaments and a dislocated shoulder, Webster gained a whole new level of respect from many fans.

Using the character of “The Modfather,” he draws inspiration from the likes of Paul Weller and the Gallagher brothers of Oasis fame. During his injury induced hiatus he improved his microphone skills with the introduction of his own “Wrestling Friends” podcast, and has built upon that and kept himself in the spotlight during his time out of the ring.

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Webster is a great combination of in-ring talent and charisma as well as having a well-defined character. With so many men already signed to the WWE United Kingdom Championship, Webster could surpass them all and jump straight onto NXT with a bang.