Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman in Last Man Standing match on RAW

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Braun Strowman and Roman Reigns are booked for a “Last Man Standing” match on Monday Night RAW.

When RAW airs in Toronto this Monday, the fans there will see this rivalry’s next chapter. Roman Reigns and Braun Strowman will square off and will have to outlast one another until the bitter end.

WWE announced on their Twitter account Saturday that the two superstars will compete in a Last Man Standing Match.

The last time these two competed against each other was at Great Balls of Fire. It was there that Reigns drove an ambulance with Strowman inside it straight into the back of a truck. Strowman rebounded weeks later and the two remain at each other’s throats.

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Roman and Braun have competed in some of the most hellacious matches we’ve seen in 2017. The two RAW rivals faced off in brutal singles matches, Street Fights and the aforementioned Ambulance Match last month. Now, they’ll face each other in a match where they’ll have to look to just survive one another. Both have proven to do so in the past, even after absorbing the most brutal of hits.

Reigns and Strowman, of course, will be competing in a Fatal Four-Way at SummerSlam for the WWE Universal Championship. That match will also feature Samoa Joe and Brock Lesnar, the current WWE Universal Champion. Given that Joe has made enemies out of both men the past few weeks, it wouldn’t be a surprise if his presence was felt on Monday night in Toronto.

Before we get to SummerSlam, WWE fans will be treated to yet another brutal encounter between Reigns and Strowman. This matchup between The Big Dog and The Monster Among Men should again prove to be an absolute delight, as RAW’s momentum looks to keep steam-rolling en route to Brooklyn on August 20.