25 TV Dads that would make elite MLB managers
Ray Barone
You know that guy, Raymond? Everyone loves Raymond.
Ray Barone is all of us. He’s a sportswriter just living the dream. All he wants to do is watch his sports and shirk all other responsibilities. What a life. He’s a momma’s boy and not a particularly great father or husband. None of that matters when it comes to managing a MLB team.
What matters is that he knows sports and he knows how to sit on the coach and delegate responsibilities.
The first attribute you need as a manager/coach in any sport is to know the sport. Have you ever watched sports with a non-sports fan? I’ve done with for over 20 years. First, it was my mom. Now, it’s my wife. It’s the most painful experience ever. I’d rather get my tooth pulled than explain to my wife for the 100th time what “icing” is.
My wife would be a bad sports manager/coach because she doesn’t know sports. Everyone reading this would be a great sports manager/coach because they know sports. Ray knows sports. Math says he’d be a great sports manager.
Best Fit: Houston Astros
Since everyone love Raymond, let’s give him the best team in the league. The Astros might not be the best team in the league right now, but they’re the defending champions. And until they get eliminated, they are the defending champions.
Would Ray make a good manager from the Astros? Probably. It’s not that hard to tell Justin Verlander and Jose Altuve, “Go be good.” Ray deserves a break from his family. The least we can do is give him the easiest job in sports.