Malcolm Jenkins is the latest NFL player to respond to DeSean Jackson’s anti-Semitic Instagram post.
You can add Malcolm Jenkins to the list of athletes trying to shed light on DeSean Jackson’s inexcusable comments, which included a fake Adolf Hitler quote. Jackson has since apologized profusely, but there’s no telling if it’ll be enough to allow him to keep his job.
Jenkins won’t help his standing with the Jewish community, either, despite his stark disagreement with Jackson’s comments. The 32-year-old Saints safety approached what Jackson was saying as a distraction of sorts from their cause, the Black Lives Matter movement.
Malcolm Jenkins addresses the elephant in the room in DeSean Jackson’s anti-Semitic comments.
Unfortunately for African-Americans in this country, they’re rather used to the daily news cycle eventually taking away some much-needed attention from racial inequality, and BLM demonstrations around the country.
Jenkins covers the necessary ground until he suggests that supporting the Jewish movement isn’t their problem. While those of us who are not representatives of those communities aren’t in position to speak on such things, it’s understandable that Jenkins could ruffle some feathers.
Perhaps the most important message to send in times like these is that we can do both. By protesting racial inequality, we as a culture should aim to support all minorities, even as African-Americans’ unfair treatment at the hands of police and white people in power is in focus right now. Educating ourselves as a people about the struggles of all cultures and religions helps understand how widespread racism has truly become. Rather than merely distracting from the cause, it can strengthen the argument.
Jenkins is a leader in the African-American community and shouldn’t be berated for his comments by any means. Unfortunately, detractors will twist his words as a means to take away from the movement he supports.