MLB makes example out of Jose Alvarado for starting drama against Mets

Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Jose Alvarado starts brawl (Photo by Rich Schultz/Getty Images)
Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Jose Alvarado starts brawl (Photo by Rich Schultz/Getty Images)

Jose Alvarado won’t get off easy for his role with Mets-Phillies benches-clearing conflict earlier this week.

Alvarado struck out Dom Smith, and then shouted towards the Mets dugout, provoking Smith enough to cause both benches to clear as a response. While no punches were thrown, Alvarado clearly overstepped from MLB’s perspective, and they handed him a three-game suspension as a result.

Rob Manfred has held firm on COVID-19 rules this season, as players are meant to avoid unnecessary conflict. What Alvarado chose to do this week is clearly in violation of those rules, and Manfred will not stand for it, looming appeal or not.

Did Jose Alvarado deserve a suspension from MLB?

Phillies fans will surely disagree, but Alvarado broke protocol and potentially put players on both teams at risk for petty reasons. Smith was vocal after the game, claiming he would even fight Alvarado outside of the field of play.

The unwritten rules of baseball will not be defeated easily, and will likely continue far beyond this season. The eye for an eye mentality in MLB is either a thrill or concerning depending which side of this debate you fall under. Either way, it’s dangerous in the middle of a pandemic, which is why Manfred feels comfortable making an example out of Alvarado.