Domingo German’s perfect game: 3 incredible stories that make Yankees feat even more special
By Mark Powell
Yankees: Neither John Sterling nor Michael Kay called Domingo German’s perfect game
As great as German’s moment was, neither of the usual voices of the New York Yankees were on the call.
Michael Kay, who typically calls the game for YES Network, did not travel to Oakland for the game due to prior engagements. John Sterling, now 85 years old, rarely calls road games except for the postseason. For some, that would mean a missed opportunity, but good friends Justin Shackil and Ryan Ruocco made the most of it.
Hers is Ruocco’s call on YES:
And here is Shackil’s call with the famous Suzyn Waldman.
Shackil and Ruocco are the future voices of the Yankees, as both Sterling and Kay eventually make their way into retirement. Both men went to Fordham and were former classmates, if you can believe it.
This, surely, is a moment they’ll never forget.