NBA 2K14 Preview – Association Mode, Presentation, Gameplay & Online Details

Game Informer today posted their hands-on preview of NBA 2K14.  Matt Bertz breaks down the game and lists the 25 things you need to know.  Some of these points that many readers and fans of the game want to hear cover, gameplay, presentation, online and association modes.

Earlier today, we brought you information on the team of NBA 2K14 broadcasting a live stream of full gameplay of the game, so be sure if you missed it, you go and check that out here.

Here is a preview on what Bertz had to say on his hands-on time with the game:


"You should also notice major enhancements to the crowd reactions and the dynamic range of the ambience in the arenas,” Thomas says.”We’ve added more detailed event controls and reactions, which allowed us to provide a much more immersive and realistic crowd that keeps up with the action on the court.”"


"Last year the studio overhauled its right analog stick control by migrating the dribbling moves to the stick and hiding the shot stick options behind a left trigger modifier. In the quest to make the controls as intuitive as possible, NBA 2K14 removes the need of holding a modifier button to take a shot.With this newly dubbed Pro Stick controls, the full suite of dribbling moves are still at your disposal just like last year, but if you hold the thumbstick in a particular direction it activates the shot stick. It takes a few games to learn the boundaries between shooting and dribbling, but after fooling around with a player in practice mode I grew more comfortable with this approach. I’m curious to see if this leads to accidental shots in the heat of the moment, however."

Association Mode:

"This year’s big push with the Association mode centers on re-tuning free agency. Visual Concepts reworked the player logic so they have a keener understanding of the market when deciding whether to re-up with their current franchise or test the waters in free agency. As a result, you should see many more players hitting the open market."


"As Visual Concepts previously revealed, Crews are coming back in a big way for the current-generation version of NBA 2K14. Using your My Player, you can compete in five-on-five pick-up games with nine other humans online."

NBA 2K14 is scheduled to hit store shelves on October 1, 2013.  As always, please be sure you guys head over to Fansided’s own video game site, Gamesided.