The Buffalo Bills pulled off the worst punt you’ll ever see in your entire existence.
It looks like registering 15 penalties for 101 yards in Week 14 wasn’t enough ineptitude for the Buffalo Bills. On Sunday against the Washington Redskins Rex Ryan saw room for regression and decided to crank the sad plays knob up to 11. Unconfirmed reports say that Ryan walked over to his special teams coach early in the contest and said “Give me the worst punt you can manufacture.”
Coach Danny Crossman and punter Colton Schmidt are good soldiers and obeyed dutifully. Behold: the worst punt of Week 15 (note: this post was written at 12:48 CT, and there’s no way this punt will be topped, er, bottomed).
Lawd have mercy, that thing looked like a dropkick. For those wondering, that bad rascal traveled all of 17 yards, which, to be fair, is probably 15 more yards than anyone expected after the punt left both the ground and his foot.
The Redskins were pile-driving the Bills throughout the early going of this contest – just like Rex may or may not have wanted. And, daggum it, Schmidt did his part to make it happen. The Bills don’t always lose, but when they do it’s in impressively depressing fashion.