Miami Heat fans loyalty to their team has always been questioned. They’re known for showing up late when they do come and mostly as fair-weather fans since LeBron James and Chris Bosh came to town. So with the San Antonio Spurs being ahead of the Miami Heat so often in the game, and at one point by 13 points, it’s a safe assumption that down 5 with 28 seconds left that they should leave, right?
Wrong! Ray Allen shoots an incredible three-pointer to tie the game up and send it to overtime with 5 seconds left.
Bomani Jones put a picture on Instagram of fans leaving the arena. He says he is headed to the tunnel for post game media work, and that at the point this picture is take it is a 2-point game.
He wasn’t the only media personality to capture the fans leaving. Dan Le Batard tweeted about it as well.
Mass exodus. Gotta beat traffic, you know?
— Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz (@LeBatardShow) June 19, 2013
So many people have left that I'm honestly embarrassed for this city.
— Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz (@LeBatardShow) June 19, 2013
The most intriguing account has to come from local Miami reporter Victor Oquendo of WPLG. Victor was trying to set up his live shot and watched as fans left, then tried to get back in.
Fans streaming out...I'm gonna throw up
— Victor Oquendo (@VictorOquendo) June 19, 2013
Honestly embarrassing. I'm setting up for my live shot outside the arena, just watching fan after fan exit early.
— Victor Oquendo (@VictorOquendo) June 19, 2013
Now I'm watching horrible, drunk, quitting fans desperately trying to get back in. This is madness.
— Victor Oquendo (@VictorOquendo) June 19, 2013
Cops finally here. Fans still pounding on the doors begging to be let in.
— Victor Oquendo (@VictorOquendo) June 19, 2013
@juanguibeme they're not. It's absurd. People screaming about how they paid good money. Really?!
— Victor Oquendo (@VictorOquendo) June 19, 2013
@sunsentinello once they leave, they are not allowed back in. And they are STILL begging to be let in
— Victor Oquendo (@VictorOquendo) June 19, 2013
And is Victor going to defend Miami fans reputation of being fairweather and disinterested?
I was born and raised in Miami. I used to hate the national perspective against Heat fans but I can't fight it anymore.
— Victor Oquendo (@VictorOquendo) June 19, 2013
By the way, a good amount of the people I spoke with after the game, the ones that stayed...were from out of town.
— Victor Oquendo (@VictorOquendo) June 19, 2013