We’ve seen a couple of Gilbert Arenas tidbits pop-up within the last week or so, which is never a bad thing. First, we heard of him dominating the basketball game at the Orange County Fair and being subsequently banned, and now he’s stirring things up on Instagram.
LeBron James is obviously a polarizing figure, and countless folks have weighed-in with their #hottakes regarding his place among the NBA’s all-time great players. On Thursday, it was Gilbert’s turn to give us his hot (and rather lengthy) LeBron opinion.
*takes a breath*
Alright, there’s a lot here. Long story short, Arenas is basically saying that LeBron doesn’t have the personality to be the alpha male scorer type like Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant. LeBron’s game is oriented around doing pretty much everything, so scoring isn’t as much a priority for him as it was for guys like Jordan or Kobe. Gilbert’s not necessarily wrong here, in my opinion.
As for Gilbert’s assertion that James isn’t a “#1 option”…that’s obviously bogus. As is the whole point about how the 2015 Finals were the first time he was forced to exert himself as the top scoring option with nobody else to defer to. Are we forgetting that LeBron played the first seven years of his career on Cavs teams with, like, nobody around him? And that he led one of those mediocre teams to the NBA Finals in 2007? Seems like we are. Remember when J.J. Hickson was a hot commodity? That’s how bad it was.
Anyway, keep doing stuff, Gilbert Arenas. We all miss you so.