Brandon Marshall rips INT away from Browns (Video)


Brandon Marshall isn’t a quarterback, but he’s trying to control how many interceptions the Jets throw this season.

When you think of Brandon Marshall, you think of an elite receiver who has never had anything remotely close to a decent quarterback his entire career. He played with Jay Cutler twice, something called Matt Moore in Miami and now has Ryan Fitzpatrick throwing to him in New York.

The problem with all of those quarterbacks is that they tend to throw the ball to the wrong team — something Fitzpatrick did on Sunday against the Browns.

But Marshall is a grown ass man though, and was not about to re-live all those Jay Cutler interceptions in his first game with the Jets.

That’s how you take a bad play and turn it into something fantastic. Marshall has gotten flak over his career for not being elite, or at least not being able to be consistently elite with whoever he’s playing for. But the Jets are getting the best Marshall they can right now, and this is an unexpected way to produce on offense.

The strip away by Marshall led to a Jets touchdown in the most un-Jets series of events ever.

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