Ben Simmons, new Philadelphia 76er and number one overall pick, doesn’t even need a basketball in his hands to cross-up anyone in his path.
The Philadelphia 76ers said going into the draft that they were going to take LSU prodigy Ben Simmons but they had no clue what they were actually getting.
Neither did one unfortunate cameraman just trying to do his job.
On his way into the draft floor at the Barclays Arena in Brooklyn, New York, Simmons was shown on his phone minding his own business when all of the sudden a cameraman tripped over himself, saving the camera but not his dignity.
Simmons must have watched Allen Iverson’s career growing up, because there was eerily similar scene from tonight’s mishap that fans of the NBA have seen in the pass. The famous step over.
Oh yeah, Simmons just Iverson’ed a cameraman, much like Iverson did to current Cleveland Cavaliers head coach Tyronn Lue. Instead of offering to help, Simmons looked down, said a few quick words (“You okay, mate?” we assume) and went on his merry way to soon be drafted and be the face of the 76ers.
If this is any indication of what the 76ers drafted, they have some good things to look forward to. The 6’10”, 240 pound forward doesn’t have to exert a lot of energy or effort to put fellow defenders on the hardwood. Oh yeah, did we mention he did it in a suit? Imagine the possibilities of Simmons in basketball gear.
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